The Millionaire Matchmaker “Return of the Tough Teddy Bear and The Shredder” Recap (4/3/14)

April 4, 2014

This week’s millionaires are Steve Lobel, a 48-year-old Music & Entertainment Manager and Rachel Uchitel, a 38-year-old Entrepreneur.

Steve Lobel is a Music and Entertainment Manager with a net worth of over $3 million. He is familiar with the matchmaking process because he has been set up by Patti before. He is looking for someone who is established, has a job, and has a personality. He has never been married and does not have any kids, but he is more than ready to find a wife and have children of his own. He wants to make his dad a grandfather.
Patti thinks Steve is a “Tough Teddy Bear” because he is extremely picky about the women he dates, but underneath all that he is a nice guy. Patti thinks if he could just decide what he is looking for and quit being so picky, she could find him a great woman.

Rachel Uchitel is an Entrepreneur and the mother to a 1 ½ year old daughter. Most know her as the alleged mistress of Tiger Woods and David Boreanaz, but Rachel just wants to be someone’s wife. She lost her fiancée, Andy, in the September 11th attacks and was married for two years to a man 10 years her junior. She is looking for a manly man, who is very smart, and very confident.

Patti nicknames Rachel the “Shredder” because she discards men shortly after they disappoint her. Patti thinks Rachel needs to stop trying to find something wrong with each guy she dates and instead try to be nice. Patti thinks Rachel’s perfect match would be a man that treats her right, is mature and has the potential to be a great father to her child.

Recruiting Session: "Marriage Mirror"- a two way mirror that allows the millionaires to watch and listen to the recruiting session. They can also give Patti questions to ask the daters. At the end of the session, the millionaires select one potential dater to accompany them on a master date.
For Steve: Patti is looking for women who are both established and ready to get married. Steve’s dad is on hand to assist Patti in selecting the women for Steve.

For Rachel: Patti is looking for confident guys that are supportive that can handle a strong woman with a kid.

Master Date: Steve selects Allie.
Steve meets Allie at the gun range. He has arranged for them to practice target shooting. Allie loves the idea and finds it romantic. For dinner, the two head to a gondola for a picnic. During the gondola ride, they talk about their interests and even share a kiss…on the cheek. Allie is impressed by all the effort Steve put into the date. She thinks he is a complete gentleman.
Patti calls Allie to find out about the date--Allie tells Patti that Steve was a complete gentleman, but he did not ask her out for a second date. Steve tells Patti that he did not feel a connection with Allie.
Update: Steve and Allie have not seen each other again. Once the "Tough Teddy Bear" figures out what he really wants, he may return.

Master Date: Rachel selects Brandon.
Brandon meets Rachel at the Beach City Baseball Academy. Rachel has never played baseball so Brandon takes the time to show her how to swing a bat. He coaches her and tells her how cute she looks. For dinner, Rachel and Brandon head to the Waterville in Santa Monica. Rachel begins to ask Brandon about his past relationships causing Brandon to feel uncomfortable. However, Rachel remembers Patti's advice to be nice and apologizes to be Brandon. The date ends with the two sharing a passionate kiss.
Patti calls Brandon to find out how his date went with Rachel--He tells Patti he really likes Rachel. Rachel tells Patti that she thought the baseball part of the date was sexy and she enjoyed the fact that Brandon taught her how to play. She also enjoyed the kiss she and Brandon shared.
Update: Rachel and Brandon have been in touch, but have not seen each other. Rachel has learned that picking a nice guy is not the end of the world.

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